I never used this kind of command so this error makes me raise an eybrow. I'm trying to refactor my code so instead of an output like
'temp': 22,56, 'temp_max': 25.6, 'temp_min': 19.0, 'temp_kf': None
it shows simply 22,56
I found a code that said to us a dict
s = "'temp': 18.72, 'temp_max': 20.0, 'temp_min': 17.0, 'temp_kf': None"
data = eval('{{{}}}'.format(s))
temperature1 = str(data['temp'])
where the output comes out like 18,72
So i tried to put my variable t
as a string (which if printed gives the same exact output as the dict inside of s, only with current temperature numbers) inside of s
s = str(t))
data = eval('{{{}}}'.format(s))
temperature1 = str(data['temp'])
And this tells me s is unhashable, so i modified it in s = hash(str(t))
And now I get the error
TypeError: 'set' object is not subscriptable
Why is this so difficutlt?
I think the issue here is how you set up your dictionary, you actually only created a string
that resembles a dictionary, take a look at this and then also look back at some other reference sources for the proper structure of a dictionary
dicta = {
'temp': '22, 56', 'temp_max': 25.6, 'temp_min': 19.0, 'temp_kf': None
(xenial)vash@localhost:~/python$ python3.7 split.py 22, 56
You can pretty it up with some labeling like so
print(f"Temp: {dicta['temp']}")
This prints:
(xenial)vash@localhost:~/python$ python3.7 split.py Temp: 22, 56