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Xinetd server connection refused

I'm using xinetd on Fedora. I put a file called telnet inside the etc/xinetd.d folder with the following content:

service telnet
    disable = yes
    id = telnet
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    wait = no
    user = root
    server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd

I know xinetd is running because when I do service xinetd status it says active (running). When I do netstat -nltp nothing seems to be running on port 23 and 'telnet localhost' returns connection refused. Any ideas?


  • Did you add that and then fail to tell xinetd to re-read the configuration files? You can use kill -HUP $(< /var/run/ to restart it with a re-read of configuration files in a typical install.