Search code examples

Subgroups in esttab with means

Here is the Stata code that I have tried:

eststo clear
sysuse auto, clear
eststo Dom: estpost sum rep78 mpg turn trunk weight length if foreign==0
eststo For: estpost sum rep78 mpg turn trunk weight length if foreign==1
esttab Dom For, cells("mean(fmt(2))" "sd") ///
    nonumber nodepvars noobs se collabels(none) mlabels(, lhs("Var") title)

Below is also the output:

Var                   Dom          For
rep78                3.02         4.29
                     0.84         0.72
mpg                 19.83        24.77
                     4.74         6.61
turn                41.44        35.41
                     3.97         1.50
trunk               14.75        11.41
                     4.31         3.22
weight            3317.12      2315.91
                   695.36       433.00
length             196.13       168.55
                    20.05        13.68

What this does is to compute the mean and standard deviation for several variables using summarize. This is done separately based on a condition (once for foreign observations and once for non-foreign observations).

The results, mean and standard deviation, are then displayed via esttab. I will ultimately want to get this in LaTeX, but this example shows what the result is in Stata for the sake of simplicity.

I have two questions:

  1. How can I get the standard deviations to be shown in parentheses?

  2. Is it possible to include any lines between the variables to separate the two different groups?

I have something like this in mind:

Var                   Dom          For
Variable Group 1:
rep78                3.02         4.29
                    (0.84)       (0.72)
mpg                 19.83        24.77
                    (4.74)       (6.61)
turn                41.44        35.41
                    (3.97)       (1.50)
Variable Group 2:
trunk               14.75        11.41
                   (4.31)       (3.22)
weight            3317.12      2315.91
                 (695.36)      (433.00)
length             196.13       168.55
                  (20.05)       (13.68)

I would like to use eststo, etc. if possible. I would prefer that it be as automated as possible, but I am open to exporting matrices from Stata into LaTeX or using fragments if that is what it takes. If this is not possible, I am also open to other solutions.


  • Regarding the first question you need to specify option par in sd within cells():

    sysuse auto, clear
    eststo clear
    eststo Dom: estpost sum rep78 mpg turn trunk weight length if foreign==0
    eststo For: estpost sum rep78 mpg turn trunk weight length if foreign==1
    esttab Dom For, cells("mean(fmt(2))" "sd(par)") ///
        nonumber nodepvars noobs se collabels(none) mlabels(, lhs("Var") title)

    With regards to the second question, you could do the following:

    eststo clear
    eststo Dom: estpost sum rep78 mpg turn if foreign==0
    eststo For: estpost sum rep78 mpg turn if foreign==1
    esttab Dom For using output.txt, cells("mean(fmt(2))" "sd(par)") ///
        nonumber nodepvars noobs collabels(none) mlabels(, lhs("Vars") title) ///
        posthead("@hline" "Variable Group 1:" "@hline" ) postfoot(" ") replace
    eststo clear
    eststo Dom: estpost sum trunk weight length if foreign==0
    eststo For: estpost sum trunk weight length if foreign==1
    esttab Dom For using output.txt, cells("mean(fmt(2))" "sd(par)") ///
        nonumber nodepvars noobs collabels(none) mlabels(none)  ///
        prehead("@hline" "Variable Group 2:") append

    This will produce the desired output:

    type output.txt
    Vars                  Dom          For
    Variable Group 1:
    rep78                3.02         4.29
                       (0.84)       (0.72)
    mpg                 19.83        24.77
                       (4.74)       (6.61)
    turn                41.44        35.41
                       (3.97)       (1.50)
    Variable Group 2:
    trunk               14.75        11.41
                       (4.31)       (3.22)
    weight            3317.12      2315.91
                     (695.36)     (433.00)
    length             196.13       168.55
                      (20.05)      (13.68)