is it possible to see full backtrace after getting segmentaion fault or unexpected end of program in TRACE 32. Like in DDD after bt command ?
I am merging a lot of source into a project (SW Update) and keep getting target reset, would like to know what was the last funcion called.
There is an option Stackframe or Stackframe with locals but it works only if the program is running.
Thanks in advance.
View the call stack with command FRAME.view
Keep in mind that a debugger can only show you the "backtrace" in case of an exception, if the call stack is not corrupt or gets hardly altered by the exception handler.
To find out exactly what was going on before interrupt or exception you would have to record the program flow. However only some CPUs are "traceable" and support the recording of the program flow. In case e.g. of an ARM CPU it would require the ETM component. If you CPU is traceable, but supports only offchip-trace you also require a suitable trace tool e.g. a "PowerTrace" if you want to use TRACE32.