I'm starting in Kotling and I don't know how to change between fragments, I have tried this code:
val manager = supportFragmentManager
val transaction = manager.beginTransaction()
transaction.add(R.layout.fragment_information.toInt(), ComplainFragment())
But i have an error with this parameter because it doesn't find the fragment Id.
I usually use replace to change between fragments. Also change R.layout.fragment_information to R.id.fragment_layout_id only, so no need toInt()
transaction.replace(R.id.fragment_layout_id, fragment)
Here is my suggestion.
var fragment: Fragment? = null
when (itemId) {
R.id.fragment_information -> {
fragment = ComplainFragment()
if (fragment != null) {
val transaction = supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
transaction.replace(R.id.fragment_layout_id, fragment)