I am developing a simple audio client for Watson assistant solutions and I am having problems authorizing the client.
I am following this guide https://watson-personal-assistant.github.io/developer/audio/audio_authentication/ but the Api Key I am using is not recognized. The error message I get is the following:
"errorMessage": "Provided API key could not be found"
The Api Key I am using is the one displayed in the user's card (that appears when clicking the user's avatar in the top-right corner of the page).
In the console there is the Clients tab which states:
A client can be a device such as a smart speaker or wearable, but it could also be a mobile app or web-based chatbot. Use this page to create credentials for those clients and assign an entity to them.
I thought that an Api Key could be created here, but it is not.
The Watson Assistant Solutions Service is now using IAM API key instead of the API key for the MultiTenant Audio Gateway. This does pre-req that you have a An IBM Cloud ID account
Your client will have to send the following properties
Please note that you also need to use IBM APIKey for programmatic access to the WASol Core text routing service. Here is a code example I did to get Amazon Dot/Alexa skill to communicate with WASol Assistant skill set.