I have been trying there last days to extend the default editor (java, xml, all of them) functionality,
what I want to do is add a big ruler with text on the side of every editor.
example: a default editor page looks like this:
|source |
|code |
| |
but i want it to be like this
|source| |
|code |line|
| |text|
also i can't use a view because the text in my ruler corresponds to a certain line and has to scroll along with the source code.
I have tried to do this by implementing IEditorActionDelegate since I don't want a new editor, but to add functionality, but I could not find any solutions.
Wanted to mention that for putting my solution in practice i extended AbstractContributedRulerColumn
public class MyRuler extends AbstractContributedRulerColumn {
I think you are after the extension point org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.rulerColumns
. The component that displays the line numbers in text editors is added using this point, so it should be possible to add other information, too.
Example from the API doc:
name="Line Numbers"
<after id="org.eclipse.ui.editors.columns.annotations"/>