I have this piece of code I'm trying to get to display but no matter how I do it I just don't get any response or error whatsoever.
$day = array("Lunes","Martes","Miércoles","Jueves","Viernes","Sábado","Domingo");
//$month[]= array("Enero","Febrero","Marzo","Abril","Mayo","Junio","Julio","Agosto","Septiembre","Octubre","Noviembre","Diciembre");
function today(){
$d = date("N");
switch ($d){
case 1:
echo $day[1];
case 2:
echo $day[2];
case 3:
echo $day[3];
case 4:
echo $day[4];
case 5:
echo $day[5];
case 6:
echo $day[6];
case 7:
echo $day[7];
Can anyone see any obvious mistake I might be making and haven't noticed?
To avoid using global variables (which is often-times a bad idea). You can just pass the variable in to the function.
Thus change the function declaration to
function today($day)
and the last function call to
Note that the two $day's are not the same.
The function today($day)
is simply saying that every $day variable within this function will contain the value that is passed in as this argument. It is not the array you declared. Therefore you can change this to whatever valid php variable name you want, along with all of the $days within the function scope and the result will remain the same.
The today($day)
is saying pass in the Array
$day that you declared before into the function today