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Angular 6: get reference to Components created with *ngFor inside ng-container tag

I'using ng-container to iterate on a list and create components

    <ng-container *ngFor="let f of optionsList; let i = index;">

                <!-- component-->
                <app-component  #fieldcmp  *ngIf="isAppComponent(f)" ></app-field>

                <!--another components-->
                <app-anoter-component1 *ngIf="isAnotherComponent1(f)"> </app-anoter-component1>
                <app-anoter-componentn *ngIf="isAnotherComponentn(f)"> </app-anoter-componentn>


I would to list of References components inside ng-container.

I tried to use @ViewChildren('#fieldcmp') fieldsList: QueryList; and @ContentChildren('#fieldcmp') fieldsList: QueryList; inside father component but i get no elements if I try to acces in ngafterViewInit

ngAfterViewInit() {
        this.fieldsList.forEach((child) => {  /* some logic....*/});

Can someone can help me? Thanks

-----------Update -----------------------

after fix with @ViewChildren('fieldcmp') I have a list of ElementRef instead of my AppComponent. I cast it with and all work

            .forEach((child) => { atLeastOneRequired = atLeastOneRequired || (<ReusableFieldComponent> child).isRequired();

thank you to help


  • Just remove the # sign from your ViewChildren selector - that is used only in templates:

    @ViewChildren('fieldcmp') fieldsList: QueryList;

    Or you could use component class as a selector:

    @ViewChildren(HelloComponent) fieldsList: QueryList<HelloComponent>;

    Working stackblitz here: