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EOFError error Apache Thrift on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

I'm reading the Learning Apache Thrift book by Krzysztof Rakowski. In chapter 3 (found [here]), he explains how to execute the server with python using python command. I execute that command and in another terminal, I execute the client using python

On the server side I see this output:

Starting server on port 8081... - - [12/Sep/2018 04:32:38] code 403, message CGI script is not executable ('//MyFirstServer.php') - - [12/Sep/2018 04:32:38] "POST MyFirstServer.php HTTP/1.1" 403 - - - [12/Sep/2018 04:32:38] code 403, message CGI script is not executable ('//MyFirstServer.php') - - [12/Sep/2018 04:32:38] "POST MyFirstServer.php HTTP/1.1" 403 -

On the client side I see this output:

martinez@VM:~/Development$ python
logged current time to logfile (not waiting for response)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 31, in <module>
    product = client.multiply(number1,number2)
  File "gen-py/myfirst/", line 74, in multiply
    return self.recv_multiply()
  File "gen-py/myfirst/", line 87, in recv_multiply
    (fname, mtype, rseqid) = iprot.readMessageBegin()
  File "thrift-0.11.0/lib/py/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/thrift/protocol/", line 148, in readMessageBegin
    name = self.trans.readAll(sz)
  File "thrift-0.11.0/lib/py/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/thrift/transport/", line 66, in readAll
    raise EOFError()

My attempts to fix this situation

  1. Re-installed thrift
  2. Removed Php 7 from Ubuntu and installed php version 5.
  3. Checked all the files to make sure I switched from port 8080 to port 8181.
  4. Check all the files to make sure the directories path corresponds to the right version of thrift.

How can I solve this issue? Also, what is causing it?


  • code 403, message CGI script is not executable suggests a permission problem to me, which can be fixed by chmod +x MyFirstServer.php.