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U-SQL script to get multiple table count

Need a U-sql script to get multiple table count.

eg the below query gives Employees count like wise i want to get more than one table count

@result =
SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalRecordCount               
    FROM master.dbo.Employees;

OUTPUT @result
TO "/Output/ReferenceGuide/count/exampleA.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();


  • You can use the UNION:

    @table = 
        SELECT * FROM 
            ( VALUES
            (1, "Smith", 20),
            (1, "Smith", 20),
            (1, "Smith", 20),
            (2, "Brown", 30),
            (3, "Case", 40)
            ) AS T(id, name, age);
    @countonetable =    
        SELECT "table1" AS TableName, 
               COUNT(*) AS CountRows,
               COUNT(DISTINCT name) AS CountNames            
        FROM @table;  
    OUTPUT @countonetable
    TO @"/Output/countonetable.txt"
    USING Outputters.Csv(quoting : false);
    @countmanytables =    
        SELECT "table1" AS TableName, COUNT(DISTINCT name) AS TableCount FROM @table
        SELECT "table2" AS TableName, COUNT(*) AS TableCount FROM @table;  
    OUTPUT @countmanytables
    TO @"/Output/countmanytables.txt"
    USING Outputters.Csv(quoting : false);