I would like to understand the meaning of the value (result) of h2o.predict() function from H2o R-package. I realized that in some cases when the predict
column is 1
, the p1
column has a lower value than the column p0
. My interpretation of p0
and p1
columns refer to the probabilities for each event, so I expected when predict=1
the probability of p1
should be higher than the probability of the opposite event (p0
), but it doesn't occur always as I can show in the following example: using prostate dataset.
Here is executable example:
h2o.init(max_mem_size = "12g", nthreads = -1)
prostate.hex <- h2o.importFile("https://h2o-public-test-data.s3.amazonaws.com/smalldata/prostate/prostate.csv")
prostate.hex$CAPSULE <- as.factor(prostate.hex$CAPSULE)
prostate.hex$RACE <- as.factor(prostate.hex$RACE)
prostate.hex$DCAPS <- as.factor(prostate.hex$DCAPS)
prostate.hex$DPROS <- as.factor(prostate.hex$DPROS)
prostate.hex.split = h2o.splitFrame(data = prostate.hex,
ratios = c(0.70, 0.20, 0.10), seed = 1234)
train.hex <- prostate.hex.split[[1]]
validate.hex <- prostate.hex.split[[2]]
test.hex <- prostate.hex.split[[3]]
fit <- h2o.glm(y = "CAPSULE", x = c("AGE", "RACE", "PSA", "DCAPS"),
training_frame = train.hex,
validation_frame = validate.hex,
family = "binomial", nfolds = 0, alpha = 0.5)
prostate.predict = h2o.predict(object = fit, newdata = test.hex)
result <- as.data.frame(prostate.predict)
subset(result, predict == 1 & p1 < 0.4)
I get the following output for the result of the subset
predict p0 p1
11 1 0.6355974 0.3644026
17 1 0.6153021 0.3846979
23 1 0.6289063 0.3710937
25 1 0.6007919 0.3992081
31 1 0.6239587 0.3760413
For all the above observations from test.hex
dataset the prediction is 1
, but p0 > p1
The total observation where predict=1
but p1 < p0
> nrow(subset(result, predict == 1 & p1 < p0))
[1] 14
On contrary there are no predict=0
where p0 < p1
> nrow(subset(result, predict == 0 & p0 < p1))
[1] 0
Here is the table for table
information for predict
> table(result$predict)
0 1
18 23
We are using as a decision variable CAPSULE
with the following values:
> levels(as.data.frame(prostate.hex)$CAPSULE)
[1] "0" "1"
Any suggestion?
Note: The question with a similar topic: How to interpret results of h2o.predict does not address this specific issue.
It seems (also see here) that the threshold that maximizes the F1 score
on the validation
dataset is used as the default threshold for classification with h2o.glm()
. We can observe the following:
F1 score
on the validation dataset is 0.363477
. p1
probability less than this threshold value are classified as 0
class (a datapoint predicted to be a 0
class has the highest p1
probability = 0.3602365
< 0.363477
). all datapoints with predicted p1
probability greater than this threshold value are classified as 1
class (a datapoint predicted to be a 1
class has the lowest p1
probability = 0.3644026
> 0.363477
# [1] 0.3644026
# [1] 0.3602365
# Thresholds found by maximizing the metrics on the training dataset
#Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
# metric threshold value idx
#1 max f1 0.314699 0.641975 200
#2 max f2 0.215203 0.795148 262
#3 max f0point5 0.451965 0.669856 74
#4 max accuracy 0.451965 0.707581 74
#5 max precision 0.998285 1.000000 0
#6 max recall 0.215203 1.000000 262
#7 max specificity 0.998285 1.000000 0
#8 max absolute_mcc 0.451965 0.395147 74
#9 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.360174 0.652542 127
#10 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.391279 0.683269 97
# Thresholds found by maximizing the metrics on the validation dataset
#Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
# metric threshold value idx
#1 max f1 0.363477 0.607143 33
#2 max f2 0.292342 0.785714 51
#3 max f0point5 0.643382 0.725806 9
#4 max accuracy 0.643382 0.774194 9
#5 max precision 0.985308 1.000000 0
#6 max recall 0.292342 1.000000 51
#7 max specificity 0.985308 1.000000 0
#8 max absolute_mcc 0.643382 0.499659 9
#9 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.379602 0.650000 28
#10 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.618286 0.702273 11
# predict p0 p1
#5 0 0.703274569 0.2967254
#6 0 0.639763460 0.3602365
#13 0 0.689557497 0.3104425
#14 0 0.656764541 0.3432355
#15 0 0.696248328 0.3037517
#16 0 0.707069611 0.2929304
#18 0 0.692137408 0.3078626
#19 0 0.701482762 0.2985172
#20 0 0.705973644 0.2940264
#21 0 0.701156961 0.2988430
#22 0 0.671778898 0.3282211
#24 0 0.646735016 0.3532650
#26 0 0.646582708 0.3534173
#27 0 0.690402957 0.3095970
#32 0 0.649945017 0.3500550
#37 0 0.804937468 0.1950625
#40 0 0.717706731 0.2822933
#41 0 0.642094040 0.3579060
#1 1 0.364577068 0.6354229
#2 1 0.503432724 0.4965673
#3 1 0.406771233 0.5932288
#4 1 0.551801718 0.4481983
#7 1 0.339600779 0.6603992
#8 1 0.002978593 0.9970214
#9 1 0.378034417 0.6219656
#10 1 0.596298925 0.4037011
#11 1 0.635597359 0.3644026
#12 1 0.552662241 0.4473378
#17 1 0.615302107 0.3846979
#23 1 0.628906297 0.3710937
#25 1 0.600791894 0.3992081
#28 1 0.216571552 0.7834284
#29 1 0.559174924 0.4408251
#30 1 0.489514642 0.5104854
#31 1 0.623958696 0.3760413
#33 1 0.504691497 0.4953085
#34 1 0.582509462 0.4174905
#35 1 0.504136056 0.4958639
#36 1 0.463076505 0.5369235
#38 1 0.510908093 0.4890919
#39 1 0.469376828 0.5306232