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I want to made Uitableview with dynamic section with dynamic rows

I want to show section title as January,February,March(as per data comes from api) instead of showing January, March, February.

I am getting this data from backend api.

wholeDic : NSDictionary = {

January =     (
        date = "20-jan-18";
        subtitle = "Only four days remaining";
        title = "School fees of August, 2018School fees of August, 2018";
        date = "21-jan-18";
        subtitle = Holi;
        title = "Holiday on third march";
february =     (
        date = "20-feb-18";
        subtitle = "Paricipate in this activity";
        title = "Annual function will be held in feb,2018";
        date = "20-12-18";
        subtitle = "Holiday issue by Govt. of India";
        title = "Bharat Band";
march =     (
        date = "20-feb-18";
        subtitle = "Paricipate in this activity";
        title = "Annual function will be held in feb,2018";
        date = "20-feb-18";
        subtitle = "Paricipate in this activity";
        title = "Annual function will be held in feb,2018";

Now I have fetched "key" and added in array

for (key, value) in wholeDic{

and when I print sectionTitleArray than console is showing January, March, February instead of showing January, February, March.

I know that Dictionary is an unordered collection but I want to know that how to fetch keys by order?

My UitableView DataSource & Delegate are

func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int{

    return sectionTitleArray.count

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

    let sectionTitle : String = sectionTitleArray.object(at: section) as! String
    let sectiondes:NSArray = wholeDic.object(forKey: sectionTitle) as! NSArray
    return sectiondes.count


This is my tableView .Everything is working fine but I want to display month like JANUARY,FEBRUARY,MARCH as per api data.

 func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cellIdentifier = "cell"
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! frameNboundTableViewCell
    let sectionTitle : String = sectionTitleArray.object(at: indexPath.section) as! String
    let contentArr : NSArray = wholeDic.object(forKey: sectionTitle) as! NSArray
    let contentDic : NSDictionary = contentArr.object(at: indexPath.row) as! NSDictionary
    cell.titleLbl.text = contentDic.value(forKey: "title") as? String
    cell.titleLbl.numberOfLines = 0
    return cell



  • Based on the comments you can change the api response into array and simply access with index. The json response will look like this

      "data" : [
          "month" : "January",
          "details" : [
              "date" : "20-jan-18",
              "subtitle" : "Only four days remaining",
              "title" : "School fees of August, 2018School fees of August, 2018"
              "date" : "21-jan-18",
              "subtitle" : "Holi",
              "title" : "Holiday on third march"
          "month" : "february",
          "details" : [
              "date" : "20-feb-18",
              "subtitle" : "Paricipate in this activity",
              "title" : "Annual function will be held in feb,2018"
              "date" : "20-12-18",
              "subtitle" : "Holiday issue by Govt. of India",
              "title" : "Bharat Band"
          "month" : "march",
          "details" : [
              "date" : "20-feb-18",
              "subtitle" : "Paricipate in this activity",
              "title" : "Annual function will be held in feb,2018"
              "date" : "20-feb-18",
              "subtitle" : "Paricipate in this activity",
              "title" : "Annual function will be held in feb,2018"

    Now you can access the first object from the json array and then retrieve the respective key and display it. It will be something like

    let object =![index]
    object.month // "January"

    Hope it helps