I am trying to upload data from an Excel worksheet which has some merged cells.
This is the code in question.
Using excel = New ExcelPackage(ulExcelData.PostedFile.InputStream)
Dim _worksheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.First()
Dim _hasHeader = False
Dim _mergedAddress = _worksheet.MergedCells(13, 7)
Dim mergedadress = _worksheet.MergedCells(1, 2)
For Each col In _worksheet.Cells(13, 7, _worksheet.Dimension.End.Row, 10)
_dataTable.Columns.Add(If(_hasHeader, Nothing, col.Value))
String.Format("{0}", col.Start.Column)
For _rowNumber = 1 To _worksheet.Dimension.End.Row
Dim _worksheetRow = _worksheet.Cells(_rowNumber, 13, _rowNumber, 10)
Dim _row As DataRow = _dataTable.Rows.Add()
For Each cell In _worksheetRow
If cell.Value Is Nothing Then
GoTo executeInsert
End If
Next cell
I tried this: Get Merged Cell Area with EPPLus but no luck.
The columns I want to read are from "F" to "J" but "G", "H" and "I" are merged, so here I want the value that's in "G" and I want to ignore "H" and "I".
Any ideas?
I'll be happy to add any clarifications.
All saves as per normal apart from column J. I hit "H" and I save null values to my database as "H" and "I" are empty cells.
For _rowNumber = 13 To _worksheet.Dimension.End.Row
Dim _worksheetRow = _worksheet.Cells(_rowNumber, 6, _rowNumber, 9) 'Cols F, G, H, I'
Dim _row As DataRow = _dataTable.Rows.Add()
For Each cell In _worksheetRow
If cell.Value Is Nothing Then
Continue For
_row(cell.Start.Column - 6) = cell.Value.ToString.Trim()
End If
Next cell
I'm getting values from "G" but I am unable to "skip" "H" and "I" to go straight to "J" and get the value. So basically from columns 6 to 10 I want to skip 8 and 9 and go straight to 10.
Finally, there was no need to try and "skip anything". I deleted the extra two columns that were merged along with "G" since they didn't contain any values and all worked fine. I simply added this line into my code.
_worksheet.DeleteColumn(8, 2)
Final Code Portion
Using excel = New ExcelPackage(ulExcelData.PostedFile.InputStream)
Dim _worksheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.First()
Dim _hasHeader As Boolean = False
_worksheet.DeleteColumn(8, 2)
For Each col In _worksheet.Cells("F13:J13")
If col.Value IsNot Nothing Then
String.Format("{0}", col.Start.Column)
Continue For
End If