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Write spark dataframe from databricks onto the azure data lack store using R

I want to save/write/upload a spark dataframe from databricks onto the azure data lack store folder using R. I found the following python code.

spark_df.coalesce(1).write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").mode("overwrite").save('...path to azure data lake store folder')

Can you suggest me a SparkR equivalent of this code?


  • This should be:

    spark_df %>% 
      coalesce(1L) %>%          # Same as coalesce(1).
      write.df(                 # Generic writer, because there is no csv specific one
        "...path to azure...",  # Path as before 
         source = "csv",        # Since 2.0 you don't need com.databricks 
         mode = "overwrite", 
         header = "true"        # All ... are used as options