IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile
provides the"wmqJmsClient-2.0"
feature to interact withIBM MQ
Is there an equivalent for Open Liberty?
If not (as it seems), how to connect Open Liberty to IBM MQ?
Should I develop an Open Liberty "feature" equivalent of the one available in WLP, based on the IBM MQ official RAR file (currently ""
) ?
Or is there a "generic" way to configure such a connection in Open Liberty?
(I guess the question arises with other Queue Managers like ActiveMQ "Classic", ActiveMQ Artemis, OpenMQ, etc.)
OpenLiberty has the jms-2.0 feature, which allows you to configure a JCA resource adapter which provides JMS such as the WebSphere MQ resource adapter.
Configuration in server.xml would be something like the following,
<resourceAdapter id="wmqjmsra" location="C:/adapters/wmq/wmq.jmsra.rar"/>
<jmsConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/cf1">
<properties.wmqjmsra .../>