I have a bucket already created but I want to create new folders inside this bucket, not upload data or anything else, just create new folders. How can I do this ?
AWS S3 doesn't really have a first class concept of a "folder" or "directory". S3 objects have prefixes, which are segmented by slashes, so there is certainly the appearance of folders, but it is not possible to have a truly empty directory structure.
However, their AWS Console user experience does present content as such, and provides a button to "Create Folder". When using that button, the UI provides the below message:
When you create a folder, S3 console creates an object with the above name appended by suffix "/" and that object is displayed as a folder in the S3 console.
You could try using PowerShell's Put Object API/cmdlet to create empty objects named per that instruction. For example, you could create a folder named "my-new-folder" by creating an object named "my-new-folder/".