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(Vue) Impact on performance of local scope variables in computed properties

Does defining variables inside of a computed property have any impact on the perfomance of Vue components?

Background: I built a table component which generates a HTML table generically from the passed data and has different filters per column, filter for the whole table, sort keys, etc., so I'm defining a lot of local variables inside the computed property.

Imagine having an array of objects:

let data = [
  { id: "y", a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
  { id: "z", a: 11, b: 22, c: 33 }

..which is used by a Vue component to display the data:

    <input type="text" v-model="filterKey" />

      <tr v-for="item in filteredData" :key="">
        <td v-for="(value, key) in item" :key="key">
          {{ value }}

The data gets filtered via input:

export default {
  props: {
    passedData: Array,
  data() {
    return {
      filterKey: null,
  computed: {
    filteredData() {
      // defining local scope variables
      let data = this.passedData;
      let filterKey = this.filterKey;

      data = data.filter((e) => {
        // filter by filterKey or this.filterKey

      return data;

My question refers to let data = .. and let filterKey = .. as filteredData() gets triggered from any change of the filterKey (defined in data()) so the local variable gets updated too, although they're not "reactive" in a Vue way.

Is there any impact on the performance when defining local variables inside a computed property? Should you use the reactive variables from data() (e. g. this.filterKey) directly inside of the computed property?


  • The best way to test if something affects performance, is to actually test it.

    According to my tests below, it is consistency more than 1000% slower to use this.passedData instead of adding a variable on top of the function. (869ms vs 29ms)

    Make sure you run your benchmarks on the target browsers you write your application for the best results.

    function time(name, cb) {
      var t0 =;
      const res = cb();
      if(res !== 20000000) {
        throw new Error('wrong result: ' + res);
      var t1 =;
      document.write("Call to "+name+" took " + (t1 - t0) + " milliseconds.<br>")
    function withoutLocalVar() {
      const vue = new Vue({
        computed: {
          hi() {
            return 1;
          hi2() {
            return 1;
          test() {
            let sum = 0;
            for(let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { // 10 000 000
              sum += this.hi + this.hi2;
            return sum;
      return vue.test;
    function withLocalVar() {
      const vue = new Vue({
        computed: {
          hi() {
            return 1;
          hi2() {
            return 1;
          test() {
            let sum = 0;
            const hi = this.hi;
            const hi2 = this.hi2;
            for(let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { // 10 000 000
              sum += hi + hi2;
            return sum;
      return vue.test;
    function benchmark() {
      const vue = new Vue({
        computed: {
          hi() {
            return 1;
          hi2() {
            return 1;
          test() {
            let sum = 0;
            const hi = 1;
            const hi2 = 1;
            for(let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { // 10 000 000
              sum += hi + hi2;
            return sum;
      return vue.test;
    time('withoutLocalVar - init', withoutLocalVar);
    time('withLocalVar - init', withLocalVar);
    time('benchmark - init', benchmark);
    time('withoutLocalVar - run1', withoutLocalVar);
    time('withLocalVar - run1', withLocalVar);
    time('benchmark - run1', benchmark);
    time('withoutLocalVar - run2', withoutLocalVar);
    time('withLocalVar - run2', withLocalVar);
    time('benchmark - run2', benchmark);
    <script src=""></script>