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Django Admin Inline FileField link to open in new tab

I have fieldfields in an inline in Django Admin. The link to the file works fine and the uploaded file is shown in browser. Now i want to make the link open in a new tab. I imagine the quickest way is to insert a target="_blank" into the html, but there seems to be no template for it - maybe it's generated by python code. Can you please help me pinpoint where to inject?

class Anhang(models.Model):
   antrag = models.ForeignKey(Antrag)
   upload = models.FileField(upload_to=subfolderpath)

class AnhangInline(admin.TabularInline):
   model = Anhang
   extra = 0
   show_change_link = False

In Admin:

enter image description here

Thank you very much.

Solution, thanks to @JulienS:
1. Override the template in your app:
2. Insert in template:
<a target="_blank" href="{{ widget.value.url }}">


  • I think you find a widget to URL on this django\contrib\admin\templates\admin\widgets where you instal your django.