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Google Sheets Script custom range sort without pasting result

I have a range in Google Sheets that contains a combination of values and formulas scattered in various rows and columns. The sort needs to be custom and I wrote a custom sort function that extracts data and sorts the array. However when pasting the sorted result back I loose the formulas.

Is there a way to create a custom sort directly for the range without the set/get Values?

function orderMyRange() {
  var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var mySheet = sh.getSheetByName("MySheet");
  var myRng = mySheet.getRange("A4:L500");
  var myData = myRng.getValues();



  • I suggest you try it this way:

    1. get formulas with var formulas = myRng.getFormulas()
    2. find how to sort formulas and myData the same way. in a way that if myData[12] moves to 9 (10th row) then formulas will do the same in var temp = formulas[9]; formulas[9] = formulas[12]. sort by values but apply the same sorting to formulas
    3. put in myDataall the formulas like if(formulas[row][column]) myData[row][column] = formulas[row][column]
    4. use myRng.setValues(myData) or return the array if it's a custom function used as a formula in google sheet.

    for a select sort algorithm this will do something like this:

    var myData = [[1], [223], [3], [2], [345]];
    var formulas = [["=ROW(A1)"], ["=ROW(A223)"], ["=ROW(A3)"], ["=ROW(A2)"], ["=ROW(A345)"]];
    function Selection_Sort(arr, parr, compare_Function) {
      //arr is the value array and parr is the formula array
      function compare(a, b) {
       return a - b;
      var min = 0;
      var minFormula
      var index = 0;
      var temp = 0;
      var tempFormula = "";
     //{Function} compare_Function Compare function
      compare_Function = compare_Function || compare;
      for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {
        index = i;
        min = arr[i][0];
        minFormula = parr[i][0];
        for (var j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j += 1) {
          if (compare_Function(min, arr[j]) > 0) {
            min = arr[j][0];
            minFormula = parr[j][0];
            index = j;
        temp = arr[i][0];
        tempFormula = parr[i][0];
        arr[i][0] = min;
        parr[i][0] = minFormula;
        arr[index][0] = temp;
        parr[index][0] = tempFormula;
      //return sorted arr
      return [arr, parr];
    console.log(Selection_Sort(myData, formulas, function(a, b) { return a - b; }));