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Compare two objects in JavaScript

I have constructed objects as follow:

Object 1

[ { 
   ext: '1287',
   ip: '(Unspecified)',
   queue: [ ]
 } ]

Object 2

 [ { Queue: '222',
     [ {"ext":"1287"},
       {"ext":"4118"} ],
    Callers: [] },

  { Queue: '111',
     [ {"ext":"4131"},
    Callers: [] }]

I want to compare Object 1 and Object 2. If the value of ext key from Object 1 exists in the nested Members object of Object 2 then the value of Queue should be pushed to a queue array and the final object should be like as shown below.

Final Object that I want

   [{ ext: '1287',
   ip: '(Unspecified)',
   queue: [222, 111 ] }]

I need some hints regarding how a nested object like this is compared using lodash.


  • Solution without mutations:

    const obj1 = [{ext: '1287',ip: '(Unspecified)',queue: []}];
    const obj2 = [{Queue: '222',Members: [{"ext":"1287"},{"ext":"4118"}],Callers: []},{Queue: '111',Members: [{"ext":"4131"},{"ext":"1287"},{"ext":"4138"}],Callers: []}];
    const hasExt = ext => o2 => o2.Members.some(m => m.ext === ext)
    const result = => {
      const newQueue = obj2
        .map(m => m.Queue);
      return { ...o1, queue: [...o1.queue, ...newQueue] };