As the titel says, but it gets even more complicated. this is some example code
class person
prop name as string
prop age as int
prop properties as List(of ExtraProps)
class ExtraProps
prop key as string
prop value as string
so say that i want to sort a list of class person based on an object ExtraProps.value where the Key = "name"
do note that i am working in vs2005 and in version 2.0 of .NET
First i would like to thank @TimSchmelter For this answer. this works perfectly in .NET 2.0 and in VS2005.
Public Class TaskKeyComparer
Implements IComparer(Of Trimble_Planning.TaskData)
Private ReadOnly _keyComparison As StringComparison
Private ReadOnly _valueComparison As StringComparison
Private ReadOnly _key As String
Public Sub New(ByVal key As String, Optional ByVal keyComparison As StringComparison = StringComparison.CurrentCulture, Optional ByVal valueComparison As StringComparison = StringComparison.CurrentCulture)
_key = key
_keyComparison = keyComparison
_valueComparison = valueComparison
End Sub
Public Function Compare(ByVal x As person, ByVal y As person) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of person).Compare
If x Is Nothing AndAlso y Is Nothing Then Return 0
If x Is Nothing OrElse y Is Nothing Then Return CInt(IIf(x Is Nothing, -1, 1))
If Is Nothing AndAlso Is Nothing Then Return 0
If Is Nothing OrElse Is Nothing Then Return CInt(IIf( Is Nothing, -1, 1))
Dim xKeyValue As String = Nothing
Dim yKeyValue As String = Nothing
For Each prop As ExtraProps In
If String.Equals(prop.key, _key, _keyComparison) Then
xKeyValue = prop.value
Exit For
End If
For Each prop As ExtraProps In
If String.Equals(prop.key, _key, _keyComparison) Then
yKeyValue = prop.value
Exit For
End If
Return String.Compare(xKeyValue, yKeyValue, _valueComparison)
End Function
End Class
then use it like this
personList.Sort(New TaskKeyComparer("name"))