I'm receiving data through a loadbalancer to my Kafka cluster (3 nodes). Besides nginx logmessages that I need, the loadbalancer is also sending me sort of pings to see if the kafka nodes are still alive. These 'pings' appear in my Kafka topic as :
I've been trying to filter out these messages in the fluentd config file, but it seems I can't get it right.
This is (part of) my fluentd config :
@type udp
@type none
port 11514
tag trb-login
<filter A10>
@type grep
@log_level debug
key message
pattern A10
Also tried several other regexps for pattern, like ^A10, ^A10$, ^A10*. Even tried the full text for pattern (A10\u0000), with various numbers of backslashes. Nothing lets me filter out this line... (by the way: the @log_level debug does nothing either....)
My version of fluentd is 1.2.2
Am I using the right vehicle here (filter) ? Or should I use parser ? Any ideas ?
Try the following configuration.
@type grep
key message
pattern /^A10/