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Organizing iOS project for MVC design pattern

I'm working on a multiview app for iPhone and currently have my views (VIEW) set up and their transitions (CONTROLLER?) working nicely. Now I'd like to add objects for the actual program data (MODEL).

My question is: How should I structure my data to adhere to the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern? I know I should create separate classes to implement my data structures and that my controller classes can pass messages to them from the view, but are there any other organizational considerations I should examine? Especially those particular to Cocoa Touch, Xcode, or iOS?

Other particulars: Playback of pre-recorded and perhaps user-generated audio will also be essential. I know these are model elements, but how exactly they relate to the "V" and the "C" I'm still a bit fuzzy on. I suppose when a user action requires audio playback, the CONTROLLER should pass a message to the MODEL to ready the appropriate sounds, but where exactly should regulation of the playback live? In a "PlayerController" separate from the ViewController I imagine?

Many thanks and pardon my MVC noobery.


  • Caleb gives a good introduction and overview of how to think about the problem. In your particular case, here are some of the pieces you would might have given your description:

    • Clip (M) - Responsible for holding the actual audio data. It would know how to interpret the data and given information about it, but it wouldn't actually play anything.

    • Player (V) - Actually plays a clip on the speakers. Yes, that's a kind of view in MVC. Audio is just another kind of presentation. That said, you'd never call it "PlayerView" because that would suggest it were a subclass of UIView.

    • PlayerView (V) - A screen representation of the Player. Knows nothing about Clips.

    • ClipManager (C) - An object that would keep track of all the clips in the system and manage fetching them from the network, adding and removing them to caches, etc.

    • PlayerViewController (C) - Retrieves a Clip from the ClipManager, and coordinates a Player and a PlayerView to display and play it, as well as any other UI elements (like a "back button" or the like).

    This is just an example of how you might break it down for some theoretical audio player app. There are many correct MVC ways to do it, but this is one way to think about it.