I am reading this tutorial on cats effects
Based on this tutorial I wrote this code
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import cats.effect.IO
val Main = ExecutionContext.global
val BlockingIO = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool())
val program = for {
_ <- IO { println("what is your name") }
name <- IO { readLine() }.shift(BlockingIO).shift(Main)
} yield s"Hello $name"
val output = program.unsafeRunSync
I get error value shift is not a member of cats.effect.IO[String]
How is the tutorial able to shift the result of the readLines
lines <- readLines("names.txt").shift(BlockingFileIO).shift(Main)
My ultimate global with this sample is that the block of readLine
happens on my BlockingIO pool.
OK. I found the answer myself. I think that tutorial is a little dated
val program = for {
_ <- IO { println("what is your name") }
_ <- IO.shift(BlockingIO)
name <- IO { readLine }
_ <- IO.shift(Main)
} yield s"Hello $name"