I have the below response and I need to validate the body.
Json :
"Admin Login",
"Admin Contact",
Code :
@Test(groups = {"ITTest"})
public void testAdmin()
com.jayway.restassured.response.Response testAdminResponse = get("/Admin");
testAdminResponse.then().assertThat().body("$",equalTo("["Admin Login", "Admin Contact", "Administrator", "Ads-View"]"));
I tried hamcrest matchers - equalTo, containsString, hasItems, hasItem but all in vain
How do I validate the body completely ?
If you are looking to validate the response as a whole and if you know for certain that the response will be of the below format
[ "Admin Login", "Admin Contact", "Administrator", "Ads-View" ]
Then you can, convert the response as a string and use Assert.assertEquals
Assert.assertEquals(**response**, "[\n" +
" \"Admin Login\",\n" +
" \"Admin Contact\",\n" +
" \"Administrator\",\n" +
" \"Ads-View\"\n" +
I ran it locally and it works fine for me
RestAssured.baseURI = "";
String **response** = RestAssured.given().
Assert.assertEquals(response, "");
System.out.println("Body is : " + response);