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Rails error: `block in assert_valid_keys': Unknown key: class

I have a working Rails project. I'm adding a feature that adds a secondary relationship between two tables. They have a primary join table, and I'm adding a second one for a different relationship:

in Clients:

  has_and_belongs_to_many :reports, :join_table => 'reports_clients'
  has_and_belongs_to_many :managed_reports, :class => :reports, :join_table => 'client_report_manager'

in Reports:

  has_and_belongs_to_many :clients, :join_table => 'reports_clients'
  has_and_belongs_to_many :client_managers, :class => :clients, :join_table => 'client_report_manager'

I'm getting the error above: 'block in assert_valid_keys': Unknown key: class (ArgumentError)

At least I'm pretty sure that that's where the error is... The reports_clients relationship works fine. the new client_report_manager is the thing that is breaking it, I think.


  • 'block in assert_valid_keys': Unknown key: class (ArgumentError)

    The problem is that class is not a valid key here. It should be class_name. Also the value for the class_name should be the name of the class

    has_and_belongs_to_many :managed_reports, :class_name => 'Report', :join_table => 'client_report_manager'
    has_and_belongs_to_many :client_managers, :class_name => 'Client', :join_table => 'client_report_manager'