I am trying to merge 2 datasets X and Y. Dataset X has Joining Key column which has duplicate values. Dataset Y has the Joining key column and one additional column. The dataset images have been uploaded below. The problem is that I want to avoid Cartesian Product due to the duplicates present in dataset X. I have attached the Resultant dataset image below. This could be manually done by manually merging using a for loop, but it is time consuming. Anyone can provide a better method
Using @Alollz setup:
df_x = pd.DataFrame({'EMM_ID': [610462, 610462, 610462, 610462, 61000, 61000],
'ID_home': [np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN]})
df_y = pd.DataFrame({'EMM_ID': [610462, 61000], 'ID_home': [81000, 18]})
You could create a new 'key' to join on with cumcount.
colkey = 'EMM_ID'
df_x = df_x.assign(colkey=df_x.groupby(colkey).cumcount())
df_y = df_y.assign(colkey=df_y.groupby(colkey).cumcount())
df_x[['EMM_ID','colkey']].merge(df_y, on=['EMM_ID','colkey'], how='left')
EMM_ID colkey ID_home
0 610462 0 81000.0
1 610462 1 NaN
2 610462 2 NaN
3 610462 3 NaN
4 61000 0 18.0
5 61000 1 NaN