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How to save multiple checkboxes in Laravel?

I have created a blade (using Laravel Collective) with a multipe checkboxes:

 @foreach($subsc as $subsc)

         {{Form::checkbox('checkbox['. $subsc->Scheme->Scheme_id .']', '1')}}
        {!! Form::label('SchemeName', $subsc->Scheme->Scheme_Name.$subsc->Scheme->Scheme_id, ['class' => 'control-label']) !!}


Now I want to save each checked box in a table as the scheme_id. How do I do that?


  • I guess you could use an array as name to make it easier and try something like this.

    Form::checkbox('schemeIDS[]', $subsc->Scheme->Scheme_id, true);
    // Parameters checkbox: name, value, checked

    In the controller function use

    $schemeIDS = $request->get('schemeIDS'); // get all the checked values as array
    foreach($schemeIDS as $schemeID)
        // insert into the database