I am building a web app. For that I am using rails
as api for backend
. Also using react
for frontend
. I have a model user
. I would like to display all the users
along with its details to the website users. So I have around 10,000 + users. So I can't send all the users atonce to the frontend. I would like to display only 50 users at a time. So to see next 50 users the frontend will send me a new request to get the next 50 users and so on. So I am not getting correct path how to build it.
Now I am fething all the users like this and my server is getting hang.
my users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
users = User.all
render_success(:ok, users, meta: { message: 'User sucessfully send' })
In brief - I want to send only limited number of data to frontend in each request.
You can use gem 'kaminari'
for pagination in rails.
Fetching users based on page number:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
per_page = PAGINATION[:users] # you can define it in app_config.yml
users = User.page(params[:page]).per(per_page)
render json: { user_list: users, per_page: per_page, user_count: users.count, success: true }, status: :ok
In react you can use react-paginate
to render paginate block.
You can render this in User Index screen
renderPaginateBlock = () => {
const { user_count, per_page } = this.props;
if (user_count > per_page) {
return (
<div align='center'>
previousLabel={"<"} nextLabel={">"} marginPagesDisplayed={2}
pageRangeDisplayed={5} pageCount={this.props.user_count/this.props.per_page}
onPageChange={(data) => this.getUserWithPagination(data.selected + 1)}
containerClassName={"pagination custom"} subContainerClassName={"pages pagination"}
else {
return null;
This is to set current_page and access the API:
getUserWithPagination = (activePageNo) => {
const { fetchUsers } = this.props;