float f = 0.123456789;
double d = 0.123456789;
cout << "float = " << f << endl;
cout << "double = " << d << endl;
float = 0.123457
double = 0.123457
How to use double and long double?
Is there a variable larger than long double?
What you're seeing is not exactly what the content of the variables is, but what the standard ouptut stream outputs after rounding them. Look up the std::setprecision
function from the header <iomanip>
A quick test on Coliru with:
float f = 0.123456789;
double d = 0.123456789;
std::cout << "float = " << std::setprecision(13) << f << std::endl;
std::cout << "double = " << std::setprecision(13) << d << std::endl;
yields the output:
float = 0.1234567910433
double = 0.123456789
It shows that indeed, float and double are not the same type in terms of which numbers they can represent. (Hint: this is not even the exact number stored in the float, only the one rounded to 13 significant digits).