I'm using RapidJSON to parse messages that (roughly) conform to JSON-RPC. Here's an example of one such message:
"method": "increment",
"params": [ { "count": 42 } ]
The content of params
depends on the value of method
, so... I need to validate against a different schema for each possible value of method
. As a step towards this goal, I created a map of schema documents, keyed by the method
std::unordered_map<std::string, rapidjson::SchemaDocument> schemas;
My intention was to do something like this (after parsing the received JSON into a RapidJSON document, doc
if (schemas.find(doc["method"]) != schemas.end()) {
validate(doc, schemas[doc]);
My problem is: I know how to validate a rapidjson::Document
, but not a GenericValue
instance (which is, I gather, what doc["method"]
How can I validate a fragment or 'sub-document' of a RapidJSON document?
UPDATE/EXPLANATION: Thanks to @wsxedcrfv's answer, I now realize that my statement saying "I know how to validate a rapidjson::Document
wasn't entirely accurate. I knew one way of validating a rapidjson::Document
. But there's more than one way to do it, apparently. To clean up this question a bit for posterity, here's the validate()
function that was missing from my original question:
bool validate(
rj::SchemaDocument const& schema,
rj::Document *doc,
std::string const& jsonMsg
bool valid = false;
rj::StringStream ss(jsonMsg.c_str());
> reader(ss, schema);
if (!reader.GetParseResult()) {
if (!reader.IsValid()) {
rj::StringBuffer sb;
printf("Message does not conform to schema!\n");
printf("Invalid schema: %s\n", sb.GetString());
printf("Invalid keyword: %s\n", reader.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword());
printf("Invalid document: %s\n", sb.GetString());
else {
printf("Message JSON is not well-formed!\n");
else {
valid = true;
return valid;
As @wsxedcrfv points out, another option is to create a SchemaValidator
instance and pass it to the Accept()
method of the (sub-)document:
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include <rapidjson/schema.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace rj = rapidjson;
std::string testMsg = R"msg({ "root": { "method": "control", "params": [ { "icc_delta_vol": 5 } ] } })msg";
std::string msgSchema = R"schema(
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"method": { "$ref": "#/definitions/method" },
"params": { "$ref": "#/definitions/paramsList" }
"required": [ "method", "params" ],
"additionalProperties": false,
"definitions": {
// Omitted in the interest of brevity
} // End anonymous namespace
int main()
rj::Document schemaDoc;
if (schemaDoc.Parse(::msgSchema.c_str()).HasParseError()) {
std::cout << "Schema contains invalid JSON, aborting...\n";
rj::SchemaDocument schema(schemaDoc);
rj::SchemaValidator validator(schema);
rj::Document doc;
std::cout << "doc.Accept(validator) = " << doc["root"].Accept(validator) << '\n';
return 0;
Now that I know about this alternate method, I can easily use it to do context-specific validation of sub-documents/fragments...
I guess this answer is a bit late for you, but this works for me:
char json[] = "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 1.2 } ";
rapidjson::Document d;
std::cout << "parse json error? " << d.Parse(json).HasParseError() << "\n";
char schema[] = "{ \"type\" : \"integer\" } ";
rapidjson::Document sd;
std::cout << "parse schema error? " << sd.Parse(schema).HasParseError() << "\n";
rapidjson::SchemaDocument s{sd}; //sd may now be deleted
rapidjson::SchemaValidator vali{s};
std::cout << "json " << d.Accept(vali) << "\n"; // 0
std::cout << "a " << d.GetObject()["a"].Accept(vali) << "\n"; // 1
std::cout << "b " << d.GetObject()["b"].Accept(vali) << "\n"; // 0
I don't know which validate
function you are using, but a Document
is a GenericValue
and the GenericValue
provides Accept