The value of iRecords variable no change after execute DbiWriteBlock function. Please explain this to me. Thanks!
This is my code:
procedure TMainForm.btnBDICheckClick(Sender: TObject);
Table : TTable;
PTable : PByte;
RecordSize : Integer;
RecordCount : Integer;
iRecords : Integer;
Table := TTable.Create(Self);
Table.DatabaseName := 'D:\Temp';
Table.TableName := 'SrcTable.db';
Table.Active := True;
RecordSize := Table.RecordSize;
RecordCount := Table.RecordCount;
PTable := nil;
iRecords := 0;
GetMem(PTable, RecordSize * RecordCount);
DbiWriteBlock(Table.Handle, iRecords, PTable);
// iRecords = 0 at here
Variable iRecords
is a pointer to the number of records to be written. On output, iRecords
will have the actual number of records written. Your code should look like this:
procedure TMainForm.btnBDICheckClick(Sender: TObject);
Table : TTable;
PTable : PByte;
RecordSize : Integer;
RecordCount : Integer;
iRecords : Integer;
Table := TTable.Create(Self);
Table.DatabaseName := 'D:\Temp';
Table.TableName := 'SrcTable.db';
Table.Active := True;
RecordSize := Table.RecordSize;
RecordCount := Table.RecordCount;
//PTable := nil;
//iRecords := 0;
iRecords := RecordCount;
GetMem(PTable, RecordSize * RecordCount);
DbiWriteBlock(Table.Handle, iRecords, PTable);
ShowMessage('Records: ' + IntToStr(iRecords));
With this code you will add empty records. Use DbiInitRecord()
and DbiPutField()
to fill field values.
Below is the documentation about the DbiWriteBlock
function (from BDE help file):
Function definition:
function DbiWriteBlock (hCursor: hDBICur; var iRecords: Longint; pBuf: Pointer): DBIResult stdcall;
DbiWriteBlock writes a block of records to the table associated with hCursor.
hCursor Type: hDBICur (Input) Specifies the cursor handle to the table. piRecords Type: pUINT32 (Input/Output) On input, piRecords is a pointer to the number of records to write. On output, pointer to the client variable that receives the actual number of records written. The number actually written may be less than requested if an integrity violation or other error occurred. pBuf Type: pBYTE (Input) Pointer to the buffer containing the records to be written.
This function is similar to calling DbiAppendRecord for the specified number of piRecords. DbiWriteBlock can access data in blocks larger than 64Kb, depending on the size you allocate for the buffer.
This function cannot be used if the records contain non-empty BLOBs.
This function verifies any referential integrity requirements or validity checks that may be in place. If either fails, the write operation is canceled.
Completion state:
The cursor is positioned at the last record that was inserted.
DbiResult Meaning DBIERR_NONE The block of records contained in pBuf has been successfully written to the table specified by hCursor. DBIERR_INVALIDHNDL The specified cursor handle is invalid or NULL, or piRecords is NULL, or pBuf is NULL. DBIERR_TABLEREADONLY The table is opened read-only; cannot write to it. DBIERR_NOTSUFFTABLERIGHTS Insufficient table rights to insert a record. (Paradox only.) DBIERR_NODISKSPACE Insertion failed due to insufficient disk space.
Example from Delphi 7 help:
procedure fDbiWriteBlock(Customer: TTable; var RecordsToInsert: Longint); var pRecordsBuf, pTmpBuf: pBYTE; Rec: Longint; CustNo: Double; begin Randomize; GetMem(pRecordsBuf, Customer.RecordSize * RecordsToInsert); pTmpBuf := pRecordsBuf; try for Rec := 1 to RecordsToInsert do begin CustNo := Random(1000000); // Iterate through the entire record buffer filling each // individual record with information with Customer do begin Check(DbiInitRecord(Handle, pTmpBuf)); Check(DbiPutField(Handle, FieldByName('CustNo').Index + 1, pTmpBuf, pBYTE(@CustNo))); Check(DbiPutField(Handle, FieldByName('Company').Index + 1, pTmpBuf, PChar('INPRISE Corporation'))); Inc(pTmpBuf, RecordSize); end; end; Check(DbiWriteBLock(Customer.Handle, RecordsToInsert, pRecordsBuf)); finally FreeMem(pRecordsBuf, Customer.RecordSize * RecordsToInsert); end; end