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Is there a Java (Android) equivalent to VB6 Strconv

I have the following in an old VB6 class that I need to move to a Java class in Android.

tmp = StrConv(vValue, vbUnicode, AESLOCALE)

tmp = StrConv(vData, vbFromUnicode, AESLOCALE) 

where AESLOCALE is 1033

I have had a hunt around but cannot seem to work out how to tackle this. Thanks


  • It looks like you just need to convert back and forth between English (Locale 1033 or ISO_8859_1) and unicode (UTF_16).

    First, make sure you import the charsets:

        import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.*;

    For the top line in your question you can use this to encode a charset in UTF-16:

        //Convert to unicode/UTF_16:
        byte[] engilshBytes = myString.getBytes(ISO_8859_1); 
        String unicodeValue = new String(engilshBytes, UTF_16); 

    For the bottom line in your question you can use this to encode unicode in ISO_8859_1:

        //Convert to english/ISO_8859_1:
        byte[] unicodeBytes = myString.getBytes(UTF_16); 
        String englishValue = new String(unicodeBytes, ISO_8859_1); 


    Link to the Android page on character sets (Works since Android 4.4):

    Link to the Java page on character sets (NIO works since Java 7):