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Unable to insert into table where column is a foreign key

When inserting into my table I get this error:

ERROR: column "brandid" of relation "Item" does not exist

The brandId column has a foreign key constraint on it that links it to the id of another table.

the table I am inserting into is defined as such:

Column  |  Type   |                      Modifiers                      | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 id      | integer | not null default nextval('"Item_id_seq"'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 name    | text    | not null                                            | extended |              | 
 price   | money   | not null                                            | plain    |              | 
 sizes   | json    | not null                                            | extended |              | 
 brandId | integer | not null                                            | plain    |              | 
 deptId  | integer | not null                                            | plain    |              | 
    "item_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "Item_fk0" FOREIGN KEY ("brandId") REFERENCES "Brand"(id)
    "Item_fk1" FOREIGN KEY ("deptId") REFERENCES "Department"(id)

I am trying to do the following insert statement:

INSERT INTO "Item" (name, price, sizes, brandId, deptId) VALUES
        ('Air Force 1', '120.00', '{"12" : 1 , "10" : 12}',
            (SELECT id FROM "Brand" WHERE name= 'Nike'),
            (SELECT id FROM "Department" WHERE name= 'Mens Shoes'));

All the id columns across my database are of type serial.

The Brand and Department tables have been populated already and those select statements have been tested and work correctly.


  • Error tells you that pgsql cannot find field brandid (instead of brandId as you expected). Difference is i vs I. Try put field name in insert query in double quotes

    INSERT INTO "Item" (name, price, sizes, "brandId", "deptId") VALUES
        ('Air Force 1', '120.00', '{"12" : 1 , "10" : 12}',
            (SELECT id FROM "Brand" WHERE name= 'Nike'),
            (SELECT id FROM "Department" WHERE name= 'Mens Shoes'));