{ _id: 1, results: [ "tokyo", "japan" ] }
{ _id: 2, results: [ "sydney", "australia" ] }
{ results: { $elemMatch: { $regex: *some regex* } } }
How do you convert this simple elemMatch example using spring mongodb data Query Criteria?
If the array contains object I can do it this way
Criteria criteria =
But in my question, I dont have the "field"
I thought the Veeram's answer was going to work after trying it out
Criteria criteria =
new Criteria().is("tokyo")
It does not return anything. Am I missing something?
When i inspect the query object, it states the following:
Query: { "setOfKeys" : { "$elemMatch" : { }}}, Fields: null, Sort: null
On the other hand, If i modify the criteria using Criteria.where("field") like above,
Query: { "setOfKeys" : { "$elemMatch" : { "field" : "tokyo"}}}, Fields: null, Sort: null
I'm getting something but that's not how my data was structured, results is an array of strings not objects. I actually need to use regex, for simplicity , the above example is using .is
You can try below query.
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("results").elemMatch(new Criteria().gte(80).lt(85));