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Gnuplot: how to plot single points with custom xlabels

my problem is the following, I have a text file like that:


What I want to get is a plot like that:

enter image description here

where, basically, each y value is plotted as distinct point and on the x-axis my label are N,L,H.

I made that picture with the plot command in octave, but I'm forced to do that with gnuplot.

Please, can someone tell me how to do that?



  • You can specify arbitrary label for the tic labels:

    set datafile separator comma
    set logscale    y
    set xtics ("N" 1, "L" 2, "H" 3)
    plot "test.dat" using 1:2:1 notitle with points linecolor variable pointtype 5 pointsize 2

    enter image description here