I'm trying to get a DataGridView to display the HeaderText from the row and column that the users selected cell is located in. But so far, I can only get the value that is inside the selected Cell. I know this is easier to do in C#, but its a C++ exercise.
What I have so far:
private: System::Void addAsDestinationCellToolStripMenuItem_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
if(DGV->CurrentCell != nullptr)
String^ t = dynamic_cast<String^>(DGV->CurrentCell->Value);
dText->Text = t;
CurrentRow and CurrentCellAddress don't seem to work for this, but I might be trying to use them incorrectly.
Many thanks for all advice and insight.
private: System::Void addAsDestinationCellToolStripMenuItem_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
if(DGV->CurrentCell != nullptr)
String^ c = DGV->Columns[DGV->CurrentCell->ColumnIndex]->HeaderText;
String^ r = DGV->Rows[DGV->CurrentCell->RowIndex]->HeaderCell->Value->ToString();
dText->Text = c;
dText->Text += r;
What you need to do is get the current cell's column index value and use this to get the HeaderText
for that Column in your DataGridView.
Here's the code:
String^ t = DGV->Columns[DGV->CurrentCell->ColumnIndex]->HeaderText;