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How to get fortigate device access using sl api

I am trying to get list of fortigate devices from a specific account using nodejs . I have added a function that uses methods and objects available in the SL api but getting below error:

{ error: 'Function ("GetNetworkVlanFirewall") is not a valid method for this service.',

The API method I'm calling is GetNetworkVlanFirewall under service Network_Vlan

This is the .path I am using:


Any help would be appreciated.


  • It seems that the method name is wrong and the vlan identifier is missing too. Try using the below example:



    If you want to know the list of Multi-Vlan-Firewalls in the account you can use the following rest api call:

    Method: GET[id,name,networkFirewall[id,customerManagedFlag,],publicIpAddress.ipAddress,publicVlan[id,primaryRouter.hostname],privateIpAddress.ipAddress,insideVlans[id],memberCount,status.keyName]

    To know just the single vlan-firewalls list use the below example:

    Method: GET


    To get the specific information for a network vlan firewall use the following example:

    Method: GET

    https://[username]:[apiKey][firewallId]/getObject?objectMask=mask[billingItem,customerManagedFlag,fullyQualifiedDomainName,managementCredentials,networkVlan[id,firewallInterfaces,primaryRouter[hostname,id],vlanNumber],primaryIpAddress, bypassRequestStatus]