Search code examples

Query params are ignored from publisher.url in SiddhiQL

The query params placed in publisher.url are not been sent to the server. Here is the code snippet

@App:description("Description of the plan")

define stream SweetProductionStream (projectCode string, totalBid int );     

        publisher.url = "",
        @map(type='json', validate.json='true', @payload("""{"properties":[{"name":"amount","value":"100"}]}""")))
define stream LowProductionAlertStream (projectCode string, totalBid int);

@info(name = 'query1')
from SweetProductionStream 
select *
insert into LowProductionAlertStream;

Packet captured using Wireshark enter image description here

The request uri seen in the packet details only contains /path and is missing ?abc=xyz Is there any other way to specify query params ? Or am I missing something here ?


  • This is fixed in the latest version of the extension, v1.0.36 onwards