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APIC 2018.210 OVA: URL format error when associating Analytics with Gateway

I am in the process of configuring the local Cloud. I have successfully registered: DataPower Gateway, Analytics and Portal services.

When I tried to associate the Analytics and Gateway services, I got this error message:

Associate Analytics has not been created!
Error validating the request body against definition
 '#/components/schemas/GatewayService' analytics_service_url Does not match format 'uri' 
(context: (root).analytics_service_url, line: 1, col: 26)

I don't find this message to be at all helpful. The Gateway urls all use ip addresses; Analytics is (FQDN) and it is the endpoint defined for analytics-client. The yaml file defines 'analytics-ingestion' as

I'd be really grateful for any guidance.

Regards, John


  • This was caused by really poor basic GUI design.

    On the Associate Analytics Service page, there is only one row (Analytics Service | Availabilty Zone). On the far left is an extremely faint circular checkbox. I hadn't spotted it so it was not selected. It works when the checkbox selected.

    The Associate button should be disabled when the checkbox isn't selected. That's the poor design. It would also help if the checkbox were to be easier to spot.
