I'm defining the following in swagger 2.0 "definition" section. I first defined the format of timestamp that I would use in many object's properties for different purposes, such as created timestamp and last updated timestamp.
title: Timestamp format
description: ISO 8681, "2016-08-18T17:33:00Z"
type: string
pattern: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z
title: An application
type: object
title: Creation timestamp
description: Some description
type: string
However, when defining the "cDtm" property of the "Application" object, I cannot find a way to reuse the timestamp definition. If I use "$ref" along with "title" and "description", I get a warning "sibling values are not allowed alongside '$ref'". If I don't use "$ref", I need to repeat the type and pattern definition as above.
So, my question is, is there a way to use $ref to reuse a string pattern definition but still able to give the defined property a new title and description?
OpenAPI Specification includes built-in format: date-time
for this format, so you don't actually need a pattern
here. Instead, use:
type: string
format: date-time
If, for some reason, you want to stick with the pattern
, you can use the following workaround. Basically, you can "add" properties to a $ref
if you wrap the $ref
into allOf
. This works in Swagger Editor and Swagger UI, but other tooling support may vary.
title: An application
type: object
title: Creation timestamp
description: Some description
- $ref: '#/definitions/TimeStamp'
Also keep in mind that pattern
works as a partial match by default. To force an exact match, enclose the pattern expression into ^..$
pattern: ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$