As we know, ManytoMany relations can't be listed in list_display. Is there any work around to make it like group1, group2 etc?
I don't understand your example (group1, group2) but you can certainly use any function as a column in the changelist view, which means you can likely do what you want to show!
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('foo', 'bar')
def foo(self):
return "This column is Foo"
def bar(self, obj):
return obj.m2m.latest('id')
except obj.DoesNotExist:
return "n/a"
# there's a few more things you can do to customize this output
def bar(self, obj):
return '<span style="color:red;">By the way, I am red.</span>'
bar.short_description = "My New Column Label"
bar.allow_tags = True