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D3.js - Parallel coordinates - Change color of axis on brush

I am trying to recreate Parallel Coordinates example.

Everytime an axis is brushed, I would like that particular axis to be highlighed by a change in color.

How do I do this?

Here is a screenshot of what I'm trying to implement:

enter image description here

I dont have a lot of experience with D3.js, so any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


  • Here's one way to highlight the brushed dimensions in a parallel chart:

    Code changes:

    1. Added dimension name as ID to the <g> element:

      .attr("class", "dimension").attr('data-id', function (d) { return d;})
    2. In the brushed function, based on the computed active dimensions, a selected class can be added. (this can also be done in the brushend cb)

      // highlight brushed axes
      dimensions.forEach(function(dimension) {'g[data-id="'+dimension+'"]').classed('selected', actives.indexOf(dimension) > -1);
    3. Based on the class applied in the previous step, use CSS to highlight the brush path (feel free to change this as per your requirements):

      /* selected brushing dimension */
      g.dimension.selected .axis path.domain {
         stroke: red;
         stroke-width: 2px;

    Let me know if you have any questions. Hope this helps.