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SQL How to return the record with the most recent date and also highest int value

I have to return the most recent row in a SQL database, grouped by CallID. The 'most recent' in this instance means the most recent DepartureDate and the highest Departuretime (int) on that date. See below example for your reference:

set dateformat dmy
create table #Temp
Callid nvarchar(6), 
Linenum nVarchar(6), 
Engineerid nvarchar (4), 
Departuredate DateTime, 
Departuretime int
insert into #Temp 
Values (

select * from #Temp
drop table #Temp

What I want to return for the above, is the below two records:

CallID  Linenum  Engineerid  Departuredate  Departuretime
100000  1.5      DBok        05/09/2017     57898
100001  2        GKar        08/09/2017     58895


  • You can use the row_number window function to order the records per callid and then just take the first:

    SELECT CallID, Linenum, Engineerid, Departuredate, Departuretime
    FROM   (SELECT CallID, Linenum, Engineerid, Departuredate, Departuretime,
                   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CallID
                                      ORDER BY Departuredate DESC, Departuretime DESC) AS rn
            FROM   #Temp) t
    WHERE  rn = 1