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select one row from nested table type

my question is there away to select only one record from that column type as default value.

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create type t_tel as table of number;

create table users_tel(
user_id number,
user_name varchar2(100),
tel t_tel
) nested table tel store as tel_table;

insert into users_tel(user_id, user_name, tel) values (1, 'Amir', t_tel(987,654,321));

select * from users_tel;


  • Use a table collection expression to treat the collection in the nested table as if it was a table and join on that. Then you can filter to get one row per user_id:

    SQL Fiddle

    Oracle 11g R2 Schema Setup:

    create type t_tel as table of number;
    create table users_tel(
      user_id number,
      user_name varchar2(100),
      tel t_tel
    ) nested table tel store as tel_table;
    insert into users_tel(user_id, user_name, tel)
      SELECT 1, 'Amir',  t_tel(987,654,321) FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      SELECT 2, 'Dave',  t_tel(123,456)     FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      SELECT 3, 'Kevin', t_tel()            FROM DUAL;

    Query 1:

    SELECT user_id,
    FROM   (
      SELECT u.*,
             t.column_value AS tel_no,
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY u.user_id ORDER BY ROWNUM ) AS rn
      FROM   users_tel u
             LEFT OUTER JOIN
             TABLE( ) t
             ON ( 1 = 1 )
    WHERE  rn = 1


    |       1 |      Amir |    987 |
    |       2 |      Dave |    123 |
    |       3 |     Kevin | (null) |