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Nifi UpdateAttribute not working for dynamic variable

I am trying to get the count of files processed by ListHDFS, so the flow looks like this:

ListHDFS -> UpdateAttribute -> LogAttribute

I configured UpdateAttribute as per documentation (see attachment). Strangely, I am not even seeing "fileCount" in "view data provenance" option.

enter image description here

What am I missing?


  • I am able to see fileCount attribute value as 1 in data provenance,

    I have recreated your scenario as

    Generateflowfile --> UpdateAttribute --> LogAttribute

    UpdateAttribute configs:

    fileCount ${getStateValue("fileCount"):plus(1)}

    Stateful Variables Initial Value 0

    Provenance for the file: enter image description here

    Initial value for the fileCount attribute is null(no value) and in UpdateAttribute we are adding one to the fileCount attribute and the new value is 1.