I try to send a single Email via SendGrid API v3 with curl call.
I created a template and reference on it. In this template i placed some vars to be replace. Mails will be send successfully, but without it's string replacement.
There are the datastructure I sent. What do I wrong?
{ "template_id": "d-1074861686174fbfac02e25381e02e32", "personalizations": [ { "to": [{"email": "test@test.de"}], "sub": { "%USERNAME%": ["Hans"], "%DATE%": ["25.12.1988"], "%DAYS%": ["58"], }, }, ], "from": { "email": "service@test.de", "name": "Kundenservice" }, "reply_to": { "email": "support@test.de", "name": "Kundenservice" } }
The variables that you want to replace in your template should be in curly braces
{{ email }}
The thing is that now the substitution key changed to dynamic_template_data
"name":"Sample Name",
Try this example and let me know if it works for you :)
There is also official documentation where it is explained very clear the entire sending process How to send an email with Dynamic Transactional Templates