I have a file "codes.txt" containing one code per line.
I am trying to search and rename in a folder all files containing a code in their name, and also another string :
@echo off
for /F "tokens=*" %%b in (codes.txt) do (
// If file names in folder contain %%b and "foo", rename to %%b.'string'
// If file names in folder contain %%b and "foo2", rename %%b.'string2'
Thank you
Assuming the file `codes contains:
and your dir has a files called:
Then this script will do:
@echo off
for /f %%i in (codes.txt) do (
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a-d *%%i* ^| findstr "foo"') do echo %%a
First it loops through codes.txt, using newlines as delimeters. Then it will do a dir on files containing the codes, and a findstr
for foo anywhere in the name. Using the above files it will then echo the only 2 matches found:
It will not match 5678.txt
because it did not have foo
anywhere in the name.
Obviously you would need to change the echo
part in my script to the command you want to achieve.