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how to pass json data into datatable with passing id in codeigniter?

I fetched data from database with passing generator_id as parameter, I executed query in Model & Controller but how to pass generator_id in jquery to fetch data into data table based on id. can anyone help me?


When passing generator id 1, in data table should be fetched generator details of id 1.

Thank you so much

My model:

public function getGeneratorRAReport($param,$generator_id){

    $arOrder = array('','RA_number');

    if ($param['start'] != 'false' and $param['length'] != 'false') {
    $this->db->select('*,DATE_FORMAT(RA_start_date,\'%d-%m-%Y\') as RA_start_date,DATE_FORMAT(RA_end_date,\'%d-%m-%Y\') as RA_end_date');
    $this->db->join('customer','customer_id = customer_id_fk');
    $this->db->join('generators','generator_id = generator_id_fk');
    $this->db->join('rental_plan','rental_plan_id = rental_plan_id_fk');
    $this->db->order_by('RA_id', 'DESC');
    $query = $this->db->get();

    $data['data'] = $query->result();
    $data['recordsTotal'] = $this->getGeneratorRAReportTotalCount($param,$generator_id);
    $data['recordsFiltered'] = $this->getGeneratorRAReportTotalCount($param,$generator_id);
    return $data;

public function getGeneratorRAReportTotalCount($param,$generator_id){

    if ($param['start'] != 'false' and $param['length'] != 'false') {
    $this->db->join('customer','customer_id = customer_id_fk');
    $this->db->join('generators','generator_id = generator_id_fk');
    $this->db->join('rental_plan','rental_plan_id = rental_plan_id_fk');
    $this->db->order_by('RA_id', 'DESC');
    $query = $this->db->get();
    return $query->num_rows();


My controller:-

public function index()
    $template['body'] = 'Generators/Generator_RAReport';
    $template['script'] = 'Generators/Generator_RAReport_script';
    $this->load->view('template', $template);

public function get($generator_id){
    $param['draw'] = (isset($_REQUEST['draw']))?$_REQUEST['draw']:'';
    $param['length'] =(isset($_REQUEST['length']))?$_REQUEST['length']:'10'; 
    $param['start'] = (isset($_REQUEST['start']))?$_REQUEST['start']:'0';
    $param['order'] = (isset($_REQUEST['order'][0]['column']))?$_REQUEST['order'][0]['column']:'';
    $param['dir'] = (isset($_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir']))?$_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir']:'';
    $param['searchValue'] =(isset($_REQUEST['search']['value']))?$_REQUEST['search']['value']:'';

    $data = $this->Generator_model->getGeneratorRAReport($param,$generator_id);
    $json_data = json_encode($data);
    echo $json_data;

View :-

 <div class="box-body table-responsive">
          <table id="RA_details_table" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
              <th>Sl No.</th>
              <th>RA number</th>
              <th>RA type</th>
              <th>RA start date</th>
              <th>RA end date</th>
        <!-- /.box-body -->

script :-

$(function () { 
var RA_type = {'I':'Inside','O':'Outside'};
$table = $('#RA_details_table').DataTable( {
    "searching": false,
    "processing": true,
    "serverSide": true,
    "bDestroy" : true,
    dom: 'lBfrtip',
        buttons: [

    "ajax": {
        "url": "<?php echo base_url();?>index.php/Generator_RAReport/get/",
        "type": "POST",
        "data" : function (d) {

    "createdRow": function ( row, data, index ) {



    "columns": [
        { "data": "RA_id", "orderable": false },
        { "data": "RA_number", "orderable": false },
        { "data": "RA_type", "orderable": false },
        { "data": "customer_name", "orderable": false },
        { "data": "RA_start_date", "orderable": false },
        { "data": "RA_end_date", "orderable": false },
        { "data": "RA_description", "orderable": false }

} );


  • in your html area put this tag..

    <input type="hidden" id="gen_id" value="<?=$gen_id?>" />

    in your js code ...

       var id = document.getElementById('gen_id').value;   
     "ajax": {
                "url": "<?php echo base_url();?>index.php/Generator_RAReport/get/"+id,
                "type": "GET",
                "data" : function (d) {